The puppies of Red Flame and Tian Bao are born on the 18th of September !!
4 females and 2 males
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The puppies of Lovely and Senne are born on the 24th of September !!
2 females and 6 males
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Monthly archive

16 Aug

Litter V 6 Dushi & Tigo is born on the 5th of August 2022

Mom Dushi’s belly was getting bigger and bigger and bigger…pff…”come on” she said to herself, “let”s get started…

After many contractions and several hours later, mom Dushi and dad Tigo are very happy to introduce their descendance :

21u30  Male Multi Red : birth weight : 870 gr.

22u10  Female Multi Light-Blue : birth weight : 760 gr.

23u00  Female Multi White : birth weight : 506 gr.

03u20  Female Multi Orange : birth weight : 656 gr.

04u40  Male Multi Grey : birth weight : 670 gr.

06u25  Male Multi Green : birth weight : 614 gr.

07u15  Female Multi Salmon : birth weight : 568 gr.

09u40  Male Multi Blue : birth weight : 654 gr.

We were all licked clean with so much love, and…the milk of our mom is fantastic !!

Have a look how lovely we are already on day 3.

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16 Aug

Litter V 6 Dushi & Tigo day 9

Hello dear fanclub,

We are doing very well, says our mom. And when our mom says that, it’s true. Point.

She produces her own milk for us and her milk is really delicious !!

We remain close to her, we feel her soft skin, her breathing, her heartbeat…so much love…

We are toddling up and down and we fall sleep with full and big bellies, how lovely is this…

Male Multi Red : birth weight : 870 gr. --> day 9 : 1 810 gr.

Female Multi Light-Blue : birth weight : 760 gr. --> day 9 : 1 480 gr.

Female Multi White : birth weight : 506 gr. --> day 9 : 1 225 gr.

Female Multi Orange : birth weight : 656 gr. --> day 9 : 1 525 gr.

Male Multi Grey : birth weight : 670 gr. --> day 9 : 1 935 gr.

Male Multi Green : birth weight : 614 gr. --> day 9 : 1 500 gr.

Female Multi Salmon : birth weight : 568 gr. --> day 9 : 1 490 gr.

Male Multi Blue : birth weight : 654 gr. --> day 9 : 1 605 gr.

And we look happy and healthy.

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04 Aug

Litter V 5 Oeps & Tian Bao day 23

Dear fanclub,

Everything is going great with us !

We are getting bigger every day, so big that our mom can nearly keep up with milk.

And we are always very hungry. Mom told us that we are ready now to eat porridge.

We are looking forward to it…

Male Black : birth weight : 564 gr. --> day 23 : 1 940  gr.

Female White : birth weight : 532 gr. --> day 23 : 1 230 gr.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 468 gr. --> day 23 : 1 180 gr.

Female Orange : birth weight : 498 gr --> day 23 : 1 730 gr.

Male Green : birth weight : 475 gr. --> day 23 : 1 330 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 506 gr. --> day 23 : 1 900 gr.

Female Rose : birth weight : 442 gr. --> day 23 : 1 030 gr.

Male Brown : birth weight : 538 gr --> day 23 : 1 750 gr.

Female Violet : birth weight : 518 gr. --> day 23 : 2 020 gr.

Female Light-Blue : birth weight : 430 gr. --> day 23 : 1 390 gr.

And tomorrow we’ll eat porridge !!

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05 Aug

Litter V 5 Oeps & Tian Bao take a siesta

Hoi, hoi, our first porridge was so delicious.

Our table manners, that’s something else…it should be even better…but once our bellies are round, we all take a nap together…

Have a look to the photos…

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04 Aug

Litter V 5 Oeps & Tian Bao first porridge

Hello everybody,

Today is the big day, we will eat for the first time porridge.

All right, but how are we to start this ? We always used to suck, but that won’t work…pff… so try to lick it ? Yes, yes, that will work !!

Or we try to bring the porridge to our muzzle with our paws. It only works half !!

It’s very tasty, but also very sticky…

And after our male mom has a lot of work to lick us clean !!

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09 Aug

Litter V 5 Oeps & Tian Bao day 31

Hello dear friends,

Here we are with our weekly news rubric and our photo shoot.

We are very obedient and courageous, we eat our porridge well and we grow like cabbage.

Because of the heat here at the Lions from D’Es house, we stay indoors as much as possible, in the chill of the air conditioning. Although we would like to romp, we remain quite calm.

Summer is nice, but we like more winter !!

Male Black : birth weight : 564 gr. --> day 31 : 3 315  gr.

Female White : birth weight : 532 gr. --> day 31 : 2 405 gr.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 468 gr. --> day 31 : 2 420 gr.

Female Orange : birth weight : 498 gr --> day 31 :  3 145 gr.

Male Green : birth weight : 475 gr. --> day 31 : 2 695 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 506 gr. --> day 31 : 3 520 gr.

Female Rose : birth weight : 442 gr. --> day 31 : 2 010 gr.

Male Brown : birth weight : 538 gr --> day 31 : 3 270 gr.

Female Violet : birth weight : 518 gr. --> day 31 : 3 540 gr.

Female Light-Blue : birth weight : 430 gr. --> day 31 : 2 370 gr.

Super puppies !!

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16 Aug

Litter V 5 Oeps & Tian Bao day 37

Hello dear fanclub,

Here we are again with our weekly news and our photo shoot.

Everything is going great with us, we are having fantastic adventures here. Playing, running around and doing funny things, that already works a little.

But when our mom can’t calm us down she says “my puppies, now it’s enough!!”

And then we already know very well that it is time to put away our toys until tomorrow, to lick our paws and to go to the table…

When everything goes well, we still receive a little dessert of milk form our mom, and then we go to bed, just like all well-bred Leonbergers.

Male Black : birth weight : 564 gr. --> day 37 : 4 875  gr.

Female White : birth weight : 532 gr. --> day 37 : 3 685 gr.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 468 gr. --> day 37 : 3 540 gr.

Female Orange : birth weight : 498 gr --> day 37 :  4 450 gr.

Male Green : birth weight : 475 gr. --> day 37 : 4 100 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 506 gr. --> day 37 : 5 115 gr.

Female Rose : birth weight : 442 gr. --> day 37 : 3 200 gr.

Male Brown : birth weight : 538 gr --> day 37 : 4 830 gr.

Female Violet : birth weight : 518 gr. --> day 37 : 4 955 gr.

Female Light-Blue : birth weight : 430 gr. --> day 37 : 3 630 gr.

And we are so beautiful isn’t it !!

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26 Aug

Litter V 5 Oeps & Tian Bao day 45

Dear fanclub,

Everything goes great with us, the puppies from litter V 5

We’re getting really big now…we’re learning new things every day. We pay a lot of attention during the socialization lessons. And in the evening we learn our lessons from our course “the well-bred Leonbergers”

But there is also plenty of time to play with our brothers and sisters. That’s called  “playtime”. And when our mom says “come and eat” then it’s time to lick our paws.

We eat until our bowls are empty. Then we tell a little more about our adventures of the past day, and, one by one, we fall asleep.

Male Black : birth weight : 564 gr. --> day 45 : 6 685  gr.

Female White : birth weight : 532 gr. --> day 45 : 5 100 gr.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 468 gr. --> day 45 : 5 000 gr.

Female Orange : birth weight : 498 gr --> day 45 :  5 855 gr.

Male Green : birth weight : 475 gr. --> day 45 : 5 670 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 506 gr. --> day 45 : 6 910 gr.

Female Rose : birth weight : 442 gr. --> day 45 : 4 910 gr.

Male Brown : birth weight : 538 gr --> day 45 : 6 305 gr.

Female Violet : birth weight : 518 gr. --> day 45 : 6 755 gr.

Female Light-Blue : birth weight : 430 gr. --> day 45 : 5 025 gr.

We are big already isn’t it !!

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26 Aug

Litter V 6 Dushi & Tigo day 16

Hello everybody,

Here some more news of us, the puppies from mom Dushi and dad Tigo, the Litter V 6.

We are already 16 days old and…we have great news : our eyes are open now, we see everything as it is. And it’s like we thought, our mom is the most beautiful, she is so big and sweet and very, very lovely.

We already knew she smells good, we think Chanel n° 5 or something…And she is definitely as beautiful as a diva.

Our mom and dad are very proud of us and they call us “their sweet babies”. And look, we really are beautiful puppies, aren’t we !!

Male Multi Red : birth weight : 870 gr. --> day 16 : 2 815 gr.

Female Multi Light-Blue : birth weight : 760 gr. --> day 16 : 2 220 gr.

Female Multi White : birth weight : 506 gr. --> day 16 : 1 755 gr.

Female Multi Orange : birth weight : 656 gr. --> day 16 : 2 345 gr.

Male Multi Grey : birth weight : 670 gr. --> day 16 : 3 320 gr.

Male Multi Green : birth weight : 614 gr. --> day 16 : 2 765 gr.

Female Multi Salmon : birth weight : 568 gr. --> day 16 : 2 425 gr.

Male Multi Blue : birth weight : 654 gr. --> day 16 : 2 690 gr.

Toppie !!

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31 Aug

Litter V 5 Oeps & Tian Bao socialization at the dog school

Dear fanclub,

It was really an exciting day for us, last Sunday…

Mom and dad had already told us that we should have to pass our puppy socialization test at the dog school.

After studying a little more on Saturday evening, Sunday morning, the moment was there…

One by one we took our place into the Leomobile, yes, yes, it was the first trip for us !! Broemm, broemm…and we have left…

Once arrived there, we were warmly welcomed and we quickly made many friends, we also met new people but especially new dogs of all colors and all breeds. And, we did it very well, we really enjoyed this adventure and we were also very pretty and brave.

Our mom and dad of course very proud on us, and we…very tired, returned back home, already a little asleep on the way back

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Hydro Lions From D'Es, hydrotherapie


Zwemmen met je hond is gewoon leuk maar het is ook heel gezond. Mensen komen naar ons hydrotherapiecenter met honden die last hebben van heupdysplasie, elleboogdysplasie, gescheurde ligamenten, artrose, rugproblemen, spierblessures of overgewicht. Met hydrotherapie kan je je hond op verschillende manieren helpen. De fysieke inspanning op zich is goed voor de gezondheid van je hond, zorgt voor een betere ontwikkeling van de spiermassa en is goed voor de behandeling van pijn bij bv. artrose.

Ook gezonde, opgroeiende honden hebben baat bij hydrotherapie. Het bevordert een evenwichtige opbouw van spieren en gewrichten. Bij oudere honden onderhoudt hydrotherapie de spiermassa zonder zware inspanning en overbelasting. Honden zwemmen van nature... maar niet allemaal! 

Bij sommige rassen is "leren zwemmen" nodig. Hydrotherapie is trouwens veel meer dan zwemmen alleen. Het zorgt voor een perfect hondenleven: niet alleen fysiek maar ook mentaal. Het is ideaal voor een goede socialisatie en trouwens perfect tegen stress bij je hond.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Wij beschikken over een hydrotherapiebak met een vlakke loopband en een hydrotherapiebak met een loopband met een hellingsgraad van 8 tot 30 graden.

De hydrotherapie op zich bestaat uit doelgerichte oefeningen die op een zachte manier in water worden uitgevoerd om op die manier terug spiermassa op te bouwen. Door de beweging in water wordt de aanmaak van gewrichtsvocht gestimuleerd zodat er als het ware een olie-achtige film rond de gewrichten wordt gelegd. De bloedsomloop van je hond wordt ook gestimuleerd door de intensiteit van de oefeningen en de warmte van het water.

Eén hydrotherapiesessie duurt een half uur.

De aanwezigheid van het baasje is heel belangrijk (zeker de eerste keren) om je hond gerust te stellen en hem te stimuleren om de oefeningen op de loopband in het water te doen.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Per beurt betaalt u slechts 30 euro.



Hydro Lions From D'es

Luc Vandeuren
Molenweg 25
3040 Huldenberg

GSM: +32 (0)495/20 88 87

Ond.nr. BE0746230205


Foto's hydrotherapie