The puppies of Red Flame and Tian Bao are born on the 18th of September !!
4 females and 2 males
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The puppies of Lovely and Senne are born on the 24th of September !!
2 females and 6 males
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Monthly archive

07 Sep

Jetaime is very pregnant !

Jetaime and Konnor are waiting with impatience on the birth of their puppies !

Litter  O 2  Jetaime and Konnor

The whole pack of leonbergers is crossing their fingers for a successful birth .



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10 Sep

The puppies of Jetaime and Konnor are born !

Attention!... Attention!...

In the night of  Tuesday 8th on Wednesday 9th of September the puppies of Jetaime and Konnor are


Jetaime Lions from D’Es and Konnor de la Roseraie Pourpre are very proud to present you their

offspring :

20.50 h. Female light blue : birth weight : 580 gr.

22.03 h. Female  pink : birth weight : 585 gr.

22.27 h. Female white : birth weight : 535 gr.

00.17 h. Male red : birth weight : 535 gr.

01.25 h. Male blue : birth weight : 645 gr.

03.45 h. Male green : birth weight : 485 gr.

05.15 h. Female yellow : birth weight : 610 gr.

09.30 h. Male brown : birth weight : 515 gr.

The puppies are doing very well !  The milkbar of Jetaime is top !

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10 Sep

Litter O 2 Jetaime and Konnor on the milkbar

They are doing very well, the puppies of Jetaime and Konnor.

Here a live report of today…

Drinking, sleeping, and solarium… A luxury life…

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13 Sep

Sunday 13th of septembre The green dog show Libramont

While all the puppies are still in dreamland, the Leomobile is leaving direction Libramont.

Ghost is very busy with hese ladies of honour Angel, Laelia and Nice, they all want his attention : )

Once arrived in Libramont, ,Ghost is very happy to see again his son Notre Nelson (Ghost&Happy)

who,in the meantime, grew up very well. For Notre Nelson it’s his first show. And he has done it  very

well. Congratulations!

The Judge Victor Van Raamdonck judges the 26 registered Leonbergers and gives our dogs the

following results and places :

Ghost von Leuenfort in championsclass males : 3th Place  -   Excellent

Niceke Lions from D’Es in junior class females : 2nd Place  -  Excellent

Angel-Harko Lowe vom Spittergrund in open class females : 2nd Place  -  Excellent

Laelia Lions from D’Es in championsclass females : 1st Place  -  Excellent  -  CAC  -  CACIB -  BOS

Congratulations also for Notre Nelson Lions from D’Es, who has done his first show very well.

Definitely, he is crowing up to become a very beautyfull  male ...

Meanwhile at home, the puppies are drinking milk from the milkbar…. Delicious!

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15 Sep

Litter O 2 Jetaime and Konnor day 7

Hello everyone, here we are with some news about our first week of life.

It’s super here, we are getting pampered by our mom.

She licks and washes us until we are glowing… and that sometimes tickles  : )

And  hmmm… our mom’s milkbar is delicious!

Female light blue : birth weight : 580 gr. day 7   --> 1 025 gr.

Female  pink : birth weight : 585 gr. day 7  -->  1 090 gr.

Female white : birth weight : 535 gr.  day 7  --> 1 025 gr.

Male red : birth weight : 535 gr.  day 7  --> 970 gr.

Male blue : birth weight : 645 gr.  day 7  -->  1 090 gr.

Male green : birth weight : 485 gr.  day 7  -->  900 gr.

Female yellow : birth weight : 610 gr  day 7  -->  1 085 gr.

Male brown : birth weight : 515 gr  day 7  -->  880 gr.

We are doing very well !

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16 Sep

Angel-Harko Lowe Vom Spittergrund is expecting babies from Mi Amigo vom Kvallk.

Great news !

Our Angel is also pregnant …  the future dad  Mi Amigo Boy de Leo’s vom Kvallk is very proud with this news.

Angel-Harko Lowe vom Spittergrund :  HD A2  -  comlete scissor bite  -  LPN 1 and  LPN 2  N/N free  -  eye exam. ok  -  DNA present  -  Champion de Montenegro and Croatia.

Mi Amigo Boy de Leo’s vom Kvalik :  HD A  -  complete scissor bite  -  LPN 1 and  LPN 2  N/N free  -  eye exam. Ok  -  DNA present  - International Champion.

Let’s cross our fingers…   puppies are expected around 5th of October.


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22 Sep

O 2 Litter Jetaime and Konnor day 14

Hallo dear fan club,

We’ve got great news for all of you… our eyes are opened… and for the first time

we could see our mom … “Wow!  How she is beautiful  !...”

We are doing our best to drink so that we’ll become as great and beautiful like

our mom… and.. have a look…

Female light blue : birth weight : 580 gr. day 14 --> 1 585 gr.

Female  pink : birth weight : 585 gr. day  14 -->  1 725 gr.

Female white : birth weight : 535 gr.  day 14 -->  1 555 gr.

Male red : birth weight : 535 gr.  day 14 -->  1 715 gr.

Male blue : birth weight : 645 gr.  day 14 -->  1 720 gr.

Male green : birth weight : 485 gr.  day 14 -->  1 545 gr.

Female yellow : birth weight : 610 gr  day 14 -->  1 695 gr.

Male brown : birth weight : 515 gr  day 14 -->  1 515 gr.

It’s going forward very well...


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27 Sep

Saturday 26th of September and Sunday 27th of September

It’s still dark and cold when the Leomobile is leaving direction the Netherlands, Maastricht.

During the trip, Mi Amigo, Laelia and Noortje are sleeping all together and enjoy the heat … it’s still a long day for all of them…

On Saturday, it’s Judge Mr. Peter Schon who judges the Leonbergers  and he gives our dogs the following results and places :

Mi Amigo Boy de Leo’s vom Kvallk in open class males :  1th place  -  Very good.

Noortje Lions from D’Es in junior class females :  2nd place  -  Very good.

Laelia Lions from D’Es in open class females :  1th place  -  Excellent  -  RCAC and RCACIB.

After the show, they return quickly back home, because they are all in a hurry to see the puppies again.

And yes,yes… they grew up a little since this morning.

After a short night, Mi Amigo, Laelia and Noortje leave again for the second showday in Maastricht.

On Sunday, it’s Judge Mrs. Ilona Onstenk-Schenk who judges the Leonbergers and she gives our dogs the following results and places :

Mi Amigo Boy de Leo’s vom Kvallk in open class males :  2nd place  - Excellent  - RCACIB.

Noortje Lions from D’Es in junior class females : 2nd place  -  Very good.

Laelia Lions from D’Es in open class females :  3th place  -  Very good.

Congratulations from the puppies for the nice results!




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29 Sep

O 2 Litter Jetaime and Konnor day 21

We have great news for all of you !

 For the first time,we have eaten porridge !

Now that we’ve become bigger, the milkbar of our mom is no longer  great enough,so we started with porridges.

First we got a baby-bottle with milk, in a short time we did that very well and so soon after it, we got porridge in a bowl.

It took some time to get used to be so independent…

Female light blue : birth weight : 580 gr. day 21 --> 2 450 gr.

Female  pink : birth weight : 585 gr. day 21  --> 2 750 gr.

Female white : birth weight : 535 gr.  day 21  --> 2 410 gr.

Male red : birth weight : 535 gr.  day 21  --> 2 825 gr.

Male.blue : birth weight : 645 gr.  day 21  --> 2 735 gr.

Male green : birth weight : 485 gr.  day 21  --> 2 750 gr.

Female yellow : birth weight : 610 gr  day 21  --> 2 790 gr.

Male brown : birth weight : 515 gr  day  21  -->  2 400 gr.

Super porridge !



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Hydro Lions From D'Es, hydrotherapie


Zwemmen met je hond is gewoon leuk maar het is ook heel gezond. Mensen komen naar ons hydrotherapiecenter met honden die last hebben van heupdysplasie, elleboogdysplasie, gescheurde ligamenten, artrose, rugproblemen, spierblessures of overgewicht. Met hydrotherapie kan je je hond op verschillende manieren helpen. De fysieke inspanning op zich is goed voor de gezondheid van je hond, zorgt voor een betere ontwikkeling van de spiermassa en is goed voor de behandeling van pijn bij bv. artrose.

Ook gezonde, opgroeiende honden hebben baat bij hydrotherapie. Het bevordert een evenwichtige opbouw van spieren en gewrichten. Bij oudere honden onderhoudt hydrotherapie de spiermassa zonder zware inspanning en overbelasting. Honden zwemmen van nature... maar niet allemaal! 

Bij sommige rassen is "leren zwemmen" nodig. Hydrotherapie is trouwens veel meer dan zwemmen alleen. Het zorgt voor een perfect hondenleven: niet alleen fysiek maar ook mentaal. Het is ideaal voor een goede socialisatie en trouwens perfect tegen stress bij je hond.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Wij beschikken over een hydrotherapiebak met een vlakke loopband en een hydrotherapiebak met een loopband met een hellingsgraad van 8 tot 30 graden.

De hydrotherapie op zich bestaat uit doelgerichte oefeningen die op een zachte manier in water worden uitgevoerd om op die manier terug spiermassa op te bouwen. Door de beweging in water wordt de aanmaak van gewrichtsvocht gestimuleerd zodat er als het ware een olie-achtige film rond de gewrichten wordt gelegd. De bloedsomloop van je hond wordt ook gestimuleerd door de intensiteit van de oefeningen en de warmte van het water.

Eén hydrotherapiesessie duurt een half uur.

De aanwezigheid van het baasje is heel belangrijk (zeker de eerste keren) om je hond gerust te stellen en hem te stimuleren om de oefeningen op de loopband in het water te doen.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Per beurt betaalt u slechts 30 euro.



Hydro Lions From D'es

Luc Vandeuren
Molenweg 25
3040 Huldenberg

GSM: +32 (0)495/20 88 87

Ond.nr. BE0746230205


Foto's hydrotherapie